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(2 CU. FT. per bag)



(2 CU. FT. per bag)


15 bag delivery min.

(within MT. Hebron district)

Thank you for your support!

Welcome to the Mt. Hebron High Annual Mulch Sale

Why Buy Mulch?


100% of the net proceeds from the Mt. Hebron PTSA’s Mulch Sale support our After Prom program; which provides our students with fun alcohol/chemical-free activities following the Prom.


The sale and delivery dates vary from year-to-year based on the school calendar but the sale typically runs from late January/early -February to mid/late-March. 


Don't Need Mulch?


Consider making a tax-deductible donation and/or volunteering on delivery day.


If you have a pick-up truck, or if you are willing and able to drive a box truck, we will provide the brawn (and coffee and breakfast) PLUS, your mileage is tax-deductible!


With your continued and generous support, we can continue to provide safe, supervised fun on Prom Night.


Rajesh Kumar

MHHS Mulch Sale Coordinator



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